All things silly or plain daft; a gag or three and maybe a chat about Desktop Sidebar !! Or summat to bore the pants off you ..who knows ..? !
mike b1954's Articles In Misc
June 10, 2008 by mike b1954
So what's goin' on here then ... ? edit A bit about meself and other stuff ... edit Published on June 9, 2008 By mike b1954  Tuesday Morning ...  3.15 am ..   So I thought It was about time to do summat in Impulse ... and start one of these here Blog things off , Just to see what happens where , and how it all interacts with other people , but mainly mostly myself ... So, in a nutshell .. I'm 54,  slightly colour blind , Retired Profession...
June 9, 2008 by mike b1954
 Tuesday Morning ...  3.15 am ..   So I thought It was about time to do summat in Impulse ... and start one of these here Blog things off , Just to see what happens where , and how it all interacts with other people , but mainly mostly myself ... So, in a nutshell .. I'm 54,  slightly colour blind , Retired Professional Musician , and I am a Batchelor Of Music (Liverpool University ) I love Jazz and Classical Music, Yes and Pink Floyd ~ Beatles of course , and ...