All things silly or plain daft; a gag or three and maybe a chat about Desktop Sidebar !! Or summat to bore the pants off you ..who knows ..? !
.... In 2 years ?
Published on May 28, 2008 By mike b1954 In Community

Microsoft's next operating system (OS) will come with multi-touch features as an alternative to the mouse.

It is hoped the successor will have a better reception than the much-maligned Vista OS, released last year.

Scheduled for release in 2010, the new fingertip interface lets users enlarge and shrink photos, trace routes on maps, paint pictures or play the piano.

"The way you interact with the system will change dramatically," said Microsoft chairman Bill Gates.

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 30, 2008
Load AOLSinner.

on May 30, 2008
Touch-screen? And have my monitor getting all gunked up from people constantly touching it?? Nowai man.

Er.... Bebi, that's why you'd install a porn filter!! Mightn't help much for chocoholics and those who crave finger food, but it may to help prevent/eliminate some.... er, well... maybe try using a protective shield (summat like a PC condom) instead....

And now for something completely different!

I'd like it if Windows 7 kept UAC but tweaked/refined it so that you don't have to keep approving 'trusted' apps that'd previously been given the OK.

on May 30, 2008
imagine how tired your arm would get if you were surfing for an extended period of time?

or do they plan to place the screen on the desktop? then your neck would hurt after a while from looking down..
on May 30, 2008
imagine how tired your arm would get if you were surfing for an extended period of time?

or do they plan to place the screen on the desktop? then your neck would hurt after a while from looking down..

Very true. I think the only way I would like a touch screen setup would be if you had a "touchpad" type setup on the desktop where you could look at and do things but also have a monitor in front of you like now where you can also see what you are doing without staring down at the desk all day.
on May 30, 2008
or do they plan to place the screen on the desktop? then your neck would hurt after a while from looking down..
Everything I've seen indicates that they plan on large screens canted at an angle.  Think - Drafting table.

Windows 7 will still supprt keyboards and mice.  There will be no need to upgrade as long as you are happy with what you have.
on May 30, 2008
Windows 7 will still supprt keyboards and mice.

That's good news... but still no tea/coffee maker... food replicator (think Star Trek) to make scones, strawberry jam and good ol' Devonshire clotted cream to go with the cuppa.

***hmmmm, thinkin' about food agin.... must be about supper time, me thinks. ****
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